A Sleek Hairy Man Who Looked Like a Centaur and a Dogman With Red Eyes, Claws and Hooves

A Sleek Hairy Man Who Looked Like a Centaur and a Dogman With Red Eyes, Claws and Hooves

The Thing turned around, and I could better see what ‘It’ looked like. ‘It’ had whitish hair, with black spots on ‘It’s hips. ‘It’ had horns coming out of ‘It’s head and red, slanted eyes. ‘It’s nose had a pig-like snout. ‘It’ stood on two feet that ended in cloven hooves; ‘It’s hands were tipped with large claws. And ‘It’ looked like ‘It’ was slobbering all over. ‘It’ jumped into the path with ‘It’s arms opened wide, lowering ‘It’s head like ‘It’ was going to charge us. At the time I felt as though I was in some kind of trance, like I was in a movie or something. Only when my daughter yelled, “Let’s turn around and get out of here!” is when I realised we might be in danger. We were certainly afraid of whatever ‘It’ was. Then ‘It’ did charge at us, tucking ‘It’s arms in and running like the Bionic Man. ‘It’ tried to grab one of the horse’s tails, but we took off.

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