Earl Grey – MUFON state Director & Singer Songwriter/Musician
by Combo68
The music played in this video:
The Dancer
Midnight Café
Digging Up Dragons
All are words/music (c) Earl Grey Anderson, Shadowall Music, BMI.
Music: Happy Step
Musician: Nordgroove
URL: https://icons8.com/music
MUFON State Director of Southern California. at MUFON – Mutual UFO Network.
Lead Guitarist/Vocalist at Studio and Live Musician
Guitars/Vocals/Published Songwriter and Licensed Vocational Nurse.
Earl Grey Anderson, the chief field investigator for the Southern California chapter of MUFON, the world’s oldest and largest organization dedicated to studying alleged UFO sightings “for the benefit of humanity,” per its mission statement. As such, the nonprofit collects data on all things UFO-related in pursuit of breakthroughs that it believes will help humankind. Since becoming a volunteer field investigator in 2015, Earl has consistently contributed to this effort. He’s personally closed more than 400 cases, 50 of which received MUFON’s most coveted classification — “unknown.”
Earl Grey Anderson is a musician who investigates UFOs. In music, he has worked as a guitarist, vocalist, singer and songwriter. When it comes to UFOs, he holds several positions with the Mutual UFO Network. He is Assistant State Director for Southern California, Chief Field Investigator, and a member of MUFON’s STAR Team.
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is an American-based non-profit organization that investigates cases of alleged UFO sightings. It is one of the oldest and largest civilian UFO-investigative organizations in the United States. MUFON claims 3,000 members worldwide with chapters in every US state. The group maintains a number of investigators, who undergo training administered by MUFON.
Who’s Who ACO’s UFO Association/UAP Associates. . . .
Earl Grey Anderson is MUFON’s Chief Investigator and Assistant State Director in Southern California, a member of Kathleen Marden’s Experiencer Research Team in MUFON . Earl has personally closed over 650 UFO cases and Experiencer/Contac-tee cases.
An Experiencer himself, Earl has an innate sense of empathy and compassion, while understanding those who have personally encountered the high strangeness elements of The Phenomenon. Earl lives in the West San Fernando Valley area of Southern California with his wife Lisa, and their two cats: Thor and Gigi.”
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