I’ve never told anyone this! Is Wigan the Roswell of the North?

I’ve never told anyone this! Is Wigan the Roswell of the North?

A Being in the Bedroom – “About a year ago I woke in the night and noticed flashing lights. I thought it was an ambulance or fire brigade, so I got out of bed and looked through the window. To my astonishment I saw about 12 coloured lights in a diamond pattern in the sky. Each light was spinning rapidly and pulsating. Suddenly the lights got nearer to my house and I got scared so I quickly shut the curtains and got back into bed. My first thoughts about an ambulance or fire brigade were quashed, I didn’t know what it was and eventually I must have dozed off. “Later in the night I woke up to find a being stood at the bottom of my bed, I couldn’t scream but I tried to get away. It was about 4ft tall and glowing brilliant white. Its eyes were massive oval shaped and the brightest blue Id ever seen. Then it smiled at me, to my amazement its teeth were yellow.

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