The Human Like Hairy Figure on Robin Hood Lane. Derbyshire Dec 2019 Possible British Bigfoot

The Human Like Hairy Figure on Robin Hood Lane. Derbyshire Dec 2019 Possible British Bigfoot

Around two weeks ago I was driving down Robin hood lane which lies between Holloway and Whatstandwell in Derbyshire, I was returning after finishing up taking some photos of derelict buildings just as the daylight was starting to fade, I am a photographer, I packed up and as I came down the lane which is narrow, I was driving at a moderate speed when I realised there appeared to be a ‘human looking figure’ stood just at the edge of the road and the wood, as soon as I saw ‘It’ I stopped the car about 10 feet away from where ‘It had walked. ‘It’ did not run but walked across the lane in front of my car.

Now for the description and believe me I wish this was just my imagination. Whatever ‘It’ was, ‘It’ stood around 7ft tall perhaps maybe even a little taller.

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