The Thetford Forest Ape Man. The Baboon beast and the upright Bear

The Thetford Forest Ape Man. The Baboon beast and the upright Bear

#thetford #apeman #wolfman #beast #bigfoot #wildman #baboon #creature #unexplained #cryptids #supernatural #paranormal #unknown #mystery #dogman #werewolf

One of the UK’s Hotspots for cryptid creature reports Thetford Forest has a multitude of strange and unexplained events. From Bearmen to Upright Baboons. Join Deborah as she discusses all of the reports within the one area.

All our Podcast and Social Media sites in one place. You will find guest interviews and real time witness reports of strange Cryptid Creatures, the Paranormal, Supernatural, Otherworldly and down right Strange and Unexplained –


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