What It Is Like To See The Scottish Wildman – Deb Hatswell & Charmaine Fraser

What It Is Like To See The Scottish Wildman – Deb Hatswell & Charmaine Fraser

#BBR #unexplained #paranormal #mystery #supernatural #creature #bigfoot #cryptids

Please join me as I chat with fellow witness and investigator Charmaine Fraser. Charmaine saw a creature on her grandparents land in Scotland. Charmaine shares those events and others during the interview.

I have known Charmaine for around 8yrs now and it is interesting to see what it is like from our point of view. We explain how it feels to constantly have your credibility questioned because you saw the impossible.

To contact Charmaine – bigfootresearchscotland@gmail.com.

Here is Charmaine’s Youtube channel where you can see her research videos – https://youtube.com/@charmainefraser3972

Links to BBR sites – https://linktr.ee/bbrinvestigations


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