Red Eyeshine and Thumps on the Car. Norfolk Couple see Strange Creature

Red Eyeshine and Thumps on the Car. Norfolk Couple see Strange Creature

#BBR One night we had turned onto a by-way close to West Stow and after driving for about 15 minutes we stopped at a ‘crossroads’ in the middle of the forest. It was a beautifully clear, warm night and because there was no light pollution the stars looked amazing. So we turned the engine off and sat with the windows down and the sun roof open just laying back slightly so that we could look up through the sun roof at the stars.

We hadn’t been there for very long at all when we heard a large animal in the forest to my side. Thinking it was probably a Red or Fallow Deer of which there are plenty in that area I shone the torch into the forest next to me expecting to see a Deer or its eyeshine, but I didn’t see anything. I shrugged it off and I went back to looking up at the stars. The next thing I knew there was a thud on the side of the car and then a thud on the roof.

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