Screams, Werewolves and Sabre Toothed Cats, Dragons, Lizards and Ghosts

Screams, Werewolves and Sabre Toothed Cats, Dragons, Lizards and Ghosts

One hot summer afternoon in 1985, three people saw something which sent them running for their lives. A Mr and Mrs Taylor, of Halewood, were hiking through the forest when they came upon what looked like an overgrown elephant in a clearing. This animal was in the shade and it gave off a terrible stench.

As we all huddled together back to back under a large golfing brolly avoiding drips we all suddenly became aware of a presence looking at us from somewhere nearby which spooked the whole group. I started scanning the surrounding area which was pitch black and for some reason I had the urge to look back in the direction towards the crossroads of the path we had come off. To my horror I could see two eyes looking back at me about waist height not even 10ft away from us in a thin bushy hedgerow. Suddenly it began moving to the right almost instantly, right across the path we had just walked from and the way we would have to walk back out to the car.

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