Reports British Dogman, Werewolf, Standing Wolfmen, She Wolves & Wulvers

Reports British Dogman, Werewolf, Standing Wolfmen, She Wolves & Wulvers

#dogman #werewolf #wendigos #creature #cryptids #unexplained #paranormal #supernatural #unknown #mystery

About two minutes later I looked up to the rise and saw the biggest black dog/wolf/thing I have ever seen. I’m pretty sure I uttered the F word, and everyone turned around to look. I know a lot about dogs (I’m animal mad and used to be a vet nurse), and this was taller than an Irish wolfhound, but bulky like an Alsatian, with huge glowing eyes. It started to growl at us, and just stood and stared. I can still hear the sound it made in its throat even to this day.

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