Wolf spotted in the Forest of Dean ‘near Coleford’. When you howl and a howl comes back.
Wolf spotted in the Forest of Dean ‘near Coleford’. When you howl and a howl comes back.
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Join BBR and get your name on the Map of Worldwide Researchers, helping people to meet up with other researchers, witnesses, podcasters and many others. For a small fee of £2.99. Get your membership here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/British-Bigfoot-BBR-Membership/292964393872?hash=item443609e390:g:PdgAAOSw6GhcZyEH To see my videos before they are public, or to view exclusive podcasts and worldwide Cryptid reports please pop along to my Patreon Channel. I will be adding all of my sighting accounts here and many world wide reports I have collected over the years. https://www.patreon.com/DeborahHatswellBigfootReports I went one day with my friend to the place that he had said he saw the wolf. “ It was very quiet and I think I saw one jogger and that was about it. So I said to my mate that I was going to howl and see if I got any reaction. So I clapped a bit and started howling, and would you believe it, a wolf howled back.” Franks says that a wolf would howl back to warn any other wolves from another pack, and to let them know not to come any closer as it is their territory. He said: “Well I was gobsmacked that I heard something back. It was clear as anything.” MAP LINK: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1s1zOmmdM216PMftPUM9K1qqGrFg&usp=sharing
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