Alex Lovelock

Alex Lovelock

Alex had his first experience when he was four years old……..

I had a vision of a river
running between two fields, a wooden bridge, I wasn’t allowed on the bridge
and a clear blue sky. Living in South London I had never seen anything like
From then until now I experienced a lot of activity.
My mother passed away when I was 13yrs old.
I was alone in the house for long periods.
Doors opening, closing, footsteps, noise all over the house. Dinner table laid,
plates, cups with fresh milk in them. Pinned down in the armchair, ice cold air
in the room, pushed down the stairs, a lump of plaster from the ceiling thrown at
me, voices, raps, taps, doorbell ringing, all sorts going on. I had on some
occasions, witnesses to these events.
1974 I visited Clapham Woods in Sussex, a big mistake. It was after this that I
had my first encounter with a UFO, also my first experience of a psychic attack.
We moved to another property, but it carried on. Writing this down it doesn’t
seem like much, but it was frightening, and it hasn’t finished.
While this was going on I learnt play guitar and bass. 1969 I played at David
Bowies free festival, recorded for RCA, found the disc being sold on YouTube,
1970s toured parts of Europe with a blues band, 90s USA, Monaco, etc. as lead
guitarist of the band. 2006 I without really trying started the mediumship


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