A Personal Experience With The Loup Garou. This Creature Was A Feeding Female 2003 France

A Personal Experience With The Loup Garou. This Creature Was A Feeding Female 2003 France

#loupgarou #werewolf #dogman #cryptids #bbr

Virgil Candeil “It was in the middle of the night when I saw a creature that was very dark in colour and it was standing there. I find it hard to describe all of the specific details that I noticed but I am going to do my best to show you as much as possible what I saw and experienced that day. Even if it was very quick, very fleeting and lasted only a few seconds as I drove past her. I could see her clearly as she was caught in the full beam of my headlights. So I got a really good look at her. It was clearly not an animal I recognised or something like a panther that had escaped from the zoo. But I will explain more as we go on.”

Virgil Youtube Channel – https://youtube.com/@KonnexionHipHop?si=hGPIsqucyfEewmsl

BBR Merch & Social Links – https://linktr.ee/bbrinvestigations


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