Tillie Treadwell – The Mysteries Of Space & Time

Tillie Treadwell – The Mysteries Of Space & Time

Tillie Treadwell is a modern day author and para-normal scholar who was born and largely raised in Lake Mary, Florida, though she spent extensive time traveling to the Northern States throughout her life as well. In her own words, she is a conscious experiencer of phenomena, having had what she fully believes to be personal, true encounters with The Mandela Effect, wild nightcrawlers, the Glimmer Man, UFOs, nonhuman people such as the fae and others, as well as odd glitches in time since toddlerhood. She considers herself a persistent, passionate multi-disciplinary student, and believes that it is her life mission to note patterns and ties between the subjects she studies in order to use her observations, philosophies and theories to assist those interested in creating their own life formulas that achieve their personal “heavens on earth.”
In past years, Tillie co-headed a para-normal investigation and was a key component in a local, official exorcism team in blessing with leadership from the Catholic church. She has worked as an independent energetic healer, Tarot interpreter, and intuitive medicinal/ nutritional advisor in cooperation with local naturopathic and allopathic medical staff for her clientele as well before her retirement.
Today she is writing with Sean Casteel and Tim Swartz (Ancient Aliens, The UnXplained) for Zontar Press, provides regular, exclusive articles for the International Dogman Project and The Quad Coalition of Sciences, and has reached an exciting agreement with fellow writer and speaker Joshua Cutchin to produce a new book together in the coming time. Additionally, Tillie and Tim have begun a new YouTube show, The Weird Walk Home, which explores the para-normal from a Fortean point of view and hosts interviews with guests on related subjects. Tillie is a returning guest on Where Did The Road go? Radio, as well as being keenly interested in appearing on other shows and contributing to other books, magazines and publications.
Most recently, Tillie is proud to announce that she is writing a collection of paranormal fiction tales for the Zontar Press, stories told perhaps from a non-human perspective based upon her own paranormal experiences, quantum sciences and folklore. That illustrated tome is set to release for purchase on October 1st, 2024. She is slated to work with Barry Fitzgerald and Steve Mera in the near future, having freshly interviewed them both on The Weird Walk Home. As well, “Weird Time”, a book about time slips and other related phenomena which she contributed to, along with many other talented writers, is now available on Amazon in digital and physical formats. Additionally, she has signed a book deal for a brand new, original paranormal short story collection with Zontar Press. She will be appearing at a national UFO disclosure conference in mid to late autumn in New York City this year, too, as a key speaker and panelist.
Tillie Treadwell is an avid reader and writer, a lover of communication and considers herself to be a type of quantum storyteller.
Lady Treadwell currently resides primarily in Florida with her husband, Artemaeus, and her Maine Coon cats, Evie and Neko aka Pancake, both of whom routinely experience high strangeness alongside her.
Tillie is available for cooperative media or cooperative business opportunities via private email request at talktillietome@gmail.com.

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