Alien? Boggart? or British Bigfoot? – How Do You Name an Unknown Thing?

Alien? Boggart? or British Bigfoot? – How Do You Name an Unknown Thing?

#bigfootwitness #creatures #boggart #fae #lore

Each week when I sit down to write out the reports I am going to share with you all, I often have a reason why I chose those particular reports. There will be a pattern to it, so for instance some weeks it’s Bigfoot and Dogman reports and other times it will be UFO or Paranormal cases. Or I sometimes use my time with you all to look at certain aspects of the areas where these creatures are seen and to share new cases that have come in and I am often sent articles from listeners and witnesses alike. I was discussing recently on one of my Youtube Live streams that I believe there are many reports out there of our UK Cryptids that are reported to UFO and Paranormal groups.

I was trying to pin down an example to start off the show that would make it easier for me to show you what I meant when my email pinged and one long term listener and witness sent me an article where a Tall, Hairy, Broad shouldered ‘Boggart’ was seen by people in the Charlbury road area of Nottingham and the witness had made a report to the Nottingham Hidden History Team. We explore that report and other Fae and Cryptid reports close by.

Hidden History blog –

Faerie Folklore blog –


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