British Bigfoot Witness Captures Audio of Growls, Snarls

British Bigfoot Witness Captures Audio of Growls, Snarls

Hello everyone, today I have some interesting news for you all from a case from the North West of England that I have been working for a long time now.
What you will hear next is a shortened clip of audio, captured in an area where there have been several sightings of the UK Wildman aka the British Bigfoot. One man has been experiencing strange interactions in his local woodlands for several years now, including the sounds of wood knocks, rock clacking, incidents of infrasound, stones thrown, stones stacked, strange wooden structures, Running Figures and a strange Dog-like Creature.

The woods themselves sit on old mining land that has now returned back to nature. David has found several of his tech devices will not work in certain areas. And on occasions he has had to replace or fix his mobile phone.
David Robison, himself a witness to the UK Wildman captured the audio in Elnup Woods Wigan in March 2024. The original audio is around 2 hrs long, thankfully a friend of David’s was able to clip the audio in order that he could share it.

Throughout the audio I hear several clacks or twig snaps, several thuds, and some alarming unusual snarls, grunts or growls depending on how you describe them.

I will be sharing David’s experiences in a later video, so make sure to tune in to the channel for the full upload.


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