A Collection Of Humanoid Creatures With Horns. Pan, Sheepsquatch or Goatman?

A Collection Of Humanoid Creatures With Horns. Pan, Sheepsquatch or Goatman?

The witness making this report was on his way home late one night after work. He almost always walked the train tracks home because they were a straight shot towards the house. These train tracks ran past a cemetery which was alleged to be haunted as it was an old settler’s cemetery. It’s already dark and has been so for a few hours. There was no moon that night. As he walks near the cemetery, he starts hearing muffled footsteps behind him but doesn’t think much of it. Plenty of other guys walk home this way as well. So he keeps going and the footsteps get louder and louder. About midway past the cemetery he’s gets nervous and the steps are getting closer so he turns to look behind him and he is confronted with a hideous site. According to the witness he saw a “Goatman” or “the Devil himself”.

He describes this ‘thing’ as a man who basically had goat hooves and horns along the lines of the mythical ‘Pan’.

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