A Hyena sighting in Bridgenorth. Could it be a StrandWolf?

A Hyena sighting in Bridgenorth. Could it be a StrandWolf?

Witness Statement. I saw a Hyena type creature whilst driving in the Bridgnorth area of Staffordshire. This sighting I had on the Bridgnorth road happend a few years back now. The sighting was between Trescott and Roughton along the A454 road there. We were driving along when the ‘animal’ ran across the road in front of our car.

At the time there was just myself and my wife in the car. The animal in question was a dirty brown in colour with dark stripes and it ran from right to left in front of my car. I had to brake suddenly as I almost hit it and then it ran into fields on the opposite side of the road.

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