A sandy coloured Biped seen by Off Road Cyclist. Bigfoot on the bike trails

A sandy coloured Biped seen by Off Road Cyclist. Bigfoot on the bike trails

Now on Twitter – Daily Sighting Reports, articles, videos and podcasts on your fav subjects. Bigfoot/Dogman/UFO/Supernatural/Unexplained/mystery/unsolved. https://twitter.com/BbrDeborah #BBR https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-with-tech-equipment Please Help With Tech Campaign. I really need your help to keep my channel running.

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Read the Witness Accounts Here https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1797797034
We all know of reports of Bigfoot type creatures that are found in the vast wilderness, but what do you call a tall hairy biped that roams around the bike trails and watches bikers and they ride by.

Would you be willing to make a small donation to help fund researchers with equipment (the donation amount is your choice as all donation amounts are very welcome) It is a one off secure payment through PayPal and you will not be charged at any other point. The map will then always be accessible to you for as long as you need it. Please bookmark or save the map if possible, and if there are any problems at all, just contact me at debbiehatswell@gmail.com.

This donation gives you unlimited access to over 500 Creature accounts across the UK. (just click on any of the icons and the account opens up for you to read. There are links included , research finds, footprint casts and a whole host of Witness accounts, to websites and podcasts, videos, groups, forums and live feeds. The map is updated in real time and will continue to be updated as new reports come in. From British Bigfoots to Dogmen, Werewolves and Bargests, and a whole host of strange or paranormal experiences. Banshee’s and Geets, Orcs and Bear men, Owl men and Vulture men and the Bone Cruncher of old, Mothmen, Lizard Men, Goatmen and Sheep Squatches, Wood Boogers and all manner of cryptid folk. I am sure you will find something i’m sure to suit all tastes. Deb

Please make a donation through Paypal (debbiehatswell@gmail.com) or visit the website here http://britishbigfootsightingreports.com/

I try to provide as much information on as many social platforms as possible, in the hopes of finding new witnesses who are out there alone, with no one to share their experience with. Or to help the newcomers who need hints and tips on where to go.

To see my sighting reports and videos before they are made public, or to view exclusive podcasts and worldwide Cryptid reports please pop along to my Patreon Channel. I will be adding all of my sighting accounts here and many world wide reports I have collected over the years. https://www.patreon.com/DeborahHatswellBigfootReports

To see any images visit the website link below.

PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/DeborahHatswellBigfootReports

YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYGn8pR90PO_oBzOjiZ23tA

MAP OF STRANGE EXPERIENCES: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1s1zOmmdM216PMftPUM9K1qqGrFg&usp=sharing

WEBSITE: http://britishbigfootsightingreports.com/


PLEASE EMAIL FOR PAYPAL DETAILS: debbiehatswell@gmail.com

KOFI: https://ko-fi.com/L4L8KVQK

VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/user58518448

Thank you for your continued support if you have any queries please contact me at the email address above.

Deborah Hatswell BITCHUTE https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZK2I2Mv2KqWt/ #Deb H #BBR #BBRUK
#BBR #BBRUK #Queenofthewoodwose
#BBR is a non profit Organisation, run by volunteers. If you would like to join our community please leave a comment or contact us using debbiehatswell@gmail.com.

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