Four Little Men who caused a Car Crash -Two Little Men Who were Angry at Being Seen. Faerie Folk
Four Little Men who caused a Car Crash -Two Little Men Who were Angry at Being Seen. Faerie Folk
Witness Report Received on Facebook – My auntie almost caused a car crash when she was 14 in about 1969, living in Bushmills area of Northern Ireland. She blamed the crash on the Four Little Men that were in the road. Oonagh Don was her name then. Her mother Margaret Don was driving on a country road in the dim early morning and Oonagh screamed LOOK OUT and her mum veered and almost flipped the car, and she was told off quite sternly. She was sobbing at being scolded, she had almost wrecked the car but she was adamant at what she saw in the road and she asked “didn’t you see them?
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