He Became A Hideous, Huge, Arrogant, Sneering Upright Reptilian 2009
He Became A Hideous, Huge, Arrogant, Sneering Upright Reptilian 2009
#reptilia #aliens #extraterestrial #lizardman #predator #creature #unexplained #supernatural #paranormal #unknown #mystery
‘It’ was a Hideous, Huge, Arrogant, Sneering Upright Reptilian. ‘It’ was about 8 ft high or more. ‘It’ was honed to the peak of physical perfection,’It’ was very fit, I would even say ‘It’ was sculpted and lean, not bulked up at all, and ‘It’ was unmistakably an intensely powerful Predator, I had no doubt about that. ‘It’ seemed to be male, and had a reptilian face, with scales on ‘Its’ skin and there seemed to be a definite telepathic element to the whole experience.
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