If I Ran I Just Knew I’d Be In Trouble & What Could It Be? There’s Nothing Like That in the UK

If I Ran I Just Knew I’d Be In Trouble & What Could It Be? There’s Nothing Like That in the UK

#creature #unexplained #cryptids #paranormal #supernatural #bigfoot #unknown #werewolf #creature

“We believe there were probably two of them, one replying to the other. During the visit I saw something huge. I don’t know what it was but it was hairy with green glowy reflective eyes and it was looking in the window of the holiday home.

If I ran I was dead, and I don’t know how I knew that. When I got to the steps I got too scared and I ran and threw myself inside, against the door then jammed my foot at the bottom to pin it shut to lock it”

BBR Investigations. https://linktr.ee/bbrinvestigations


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