It looked like a chimp but with the body shape of a man -his arms were dangling down
It looked like a chimp but with the body shape of a man -his arms were dangling down
#creature #blackdogs #phantom #werewolf #shapeshifting #unexplained #supernatural #cryptids #paranormal #unknown #mystery #wolf
The witness was walking in the area between the Ashfield and the old ‘Dog Entry’ just off Sandy Lane. He was huddled up against the cold and was lighting his cigar when he saw something that he can still remember to this day. He stated he could not put a name to what he saw but that it was dark, hairy and crouched over. As the witness backed off from the almost ‘doglike’ thing it growled at him, he described the eyes as yellowish and really scary and he made off before the animal approached him further.
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