Lancashire Nightmare Creatures. I felt I was being Hunted that Night.

Lancashire Nightmare Creatures. I felt I was being Hunted that Night.

#bigfoot #creature #unexplained #cryptids #supernatural #paranormal #unknown #werewolf #dogman

Lancashire is the County I was born in. It’s a place I hold close to my heart. I grew up hearing stories of Jenny Greenteeth, Boggarts and Nut nans. Strange creatures that inhabit the woodlands and scare off any folk who may be passing by. Their stories are our stories, they are in our history, our folklore and within our families, but would it surprise you to know, these are not the only Creatures hiding in Lancashire’s Woodlands and Wild Places. These days we use the word ‘Bigfoot’ to describe any creature, up on two legs, usually hairy and Ape like in description. The reports of these strange Creatures are made by ordinary people, doing ordinary things when they encounter something impossible.

All our Podcast and Social Media sites in one place. You will find guest interviews and real time witness reports of strange Cryptid Creatures, the Paranormal, Supernatural, Otherworldly and down right Strange and Unexplained –


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