Lyn Ogwen Wales. ‘large tall dark coloured figure’ and Wild Campers Bigfoot Encounters.

Lyn Ogwen Wales. ‘large tall dark coloured figure’ and Wild Campers Bigfoot Encounters.

#wales #creature #being #entity #creature #bigfoot #wildman #wildcamping #wildcampinguk #carcamping #vanlife #dogman #creature #cryptids #unexplained #supernatural #paranormal #unknown #mystery

As I was looking at the red car I saw movement and what I can only describe as a ‘large tall dark coloured figure’ stood near the rear passenger door on the drivers side of the car, as soon as I saw It, I believe It also saw me looking at It and It began to run, as it was running off there was a flash of lightening that lit up whole car park which showed the figure as a solid thing, I noticed the top half of Its body looked to be lighter in colour than the bottom, It ran toward the opposite edge of the car park toward the mountain.

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