Mysterious Clapham Woods. EME’s, Four Toed Prints & A Mist In the Shape of a Bear

Mysterious Clapham Woods. EME’s, Four Toed Prints & A Mist In the Shape of a Bear

#claphamcommon #creature #unexplained #cryptids #paranormal #supernatural #entity #unknown

Clapham Woods has always been known as being a bit “strange or off kilter” and for centuries people have reported experiences with UFO’s, Ghosts, Aliens and Cryptids and it is often blamed on the possible occult practices taking place there but I believe it is far more than that. Us humans are attracted to the area clearly, or these reports would not reach back in time.

The woods themselves are filled with strange-looking, stunted trees and then there is the large crater that is a mystery to all. It is also said nothing grows around the large crater as if the land itself is tainted somehow.

BBR Investigations –


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