Predator Beings, Invisible Life forms – It looked like the Being from Predator the movie

Predator Beings, Invisible Life forms – It looked like the Being from Predator the movie

#shadowbeast #shadowman #predator #creature #unexplained #supernatural #cryptids #paranormal #unknown #mystery

Over the last few weeks we have taken a look at some of the reports that come into BBR. We have looked at Dogmen, Woodwose, Shucks and Paranormal accounts. Tonight I would like to talk about one type of report that comes in, that up to now defies all logic. The sentence I usually hear is “you could see the tree moving but not what was moving it”, or “it looked like predator from the film”. I have reports from the UK, the US and the Philippines to share with you.

All our Podcast and Social Media sites in one place. You will find guest interviews and real time witness reports of strange Cryptid Creatures, the Paranormal, Supernatural, Otherworldly and down right Strange and Unexplained –


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