Prt 2 – This “Thing” was 7ft tall and massively thick – An Apeish Creature that looked at the car
Prt 2 – This “Thing” was 7ft tall and massively thick – An Apeish Creature that looked at the car
#creature #unexplained #paranormal #supernatural #cryptids #bigfoot #unknown #
“The witness who was around 15/16 at the time of his sighting was hunting in fields in the Penn Area of Wolverhampton with his friend. He was in his usual position within the field and had his rabbit gun and a torch to light up the field. As he was scanning the light across the area looking for movement or eyeshine, the torch picked up a crouching human type figure. The figure was much bigger than an average human and in his own words “it was huge in height and width” his friend promptly ran off leaving the witness alone, so he followed suit and legged it also.
To Make a Report: you can contact Deborah at
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