Seen from a blind. Somerset 2016 June 6ft Tall ‘Guy’ covered in hair from head to toe
Seen from a blind. Somerset 2016 June 6ft Tall ‘Guy’ covered in hair from head to toe
Never before and never again have I seen anything like it. I’m reluctant to put a label on it but I will say I’m certain it wasn’t a man. We are a long way from anything out here so if it was a man he had serious problems walking that far out of civilisation at night or he was looking to do something wrong. But I don’t think it was a man. I can’t explain it. That’s my story as ridiculous as that sound it happened. This is the first and last time I ever tell it I have no desire to be called a nutter so let’s just say I saw something very strange in rural Somerset 2016 June
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