The Moorland Creature 1865 to 2017 Upright, Hairy, Bipedal Creatures
The Moorland Creature 1865 to 2017 Upright, Hairy, Bipedal Creatures
The Johnson’s were among a number of motorists who had to stop in the road as there was a creature up on the hill side distracting other drivers. Described as a ‘large, hair-covered biped’ on the hillside. The biped stood a whopping 8 foot tall. They described it as having human like eyes and a human shape but the whole body was covered in dark brown hair. Behind them another car stopped, wondering what all the fuss was about. Seeing the strange creature they honked their horn. This sound startled the figure and it bolted down the hill, over the road and jumped over the edge of a bridge. There was a ten foot drop over the other side. The Johnson’s drove closer and stopped, watching closely as the ‘Bigfoot’ ran up the hillside opposite, running among the trees. They said the shape of the face, eyes and body was normal, no different to ours. However it did walk differently, like it was crouching as it ran.”
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