The Sasquatch Sighting at Boston Spa, and the Jackdaw Crags Experience
The Sasquatch Sighting at Boston Spa, and the Jackdaw Crags Experience
At that point I’m thinking it must be a fox, which is the way he’s acted before if we came across one. So I’m looking at the track to try and see a fox, I cant see anything anywhere, no Fox no cat or any other animal. I can see how worked up he is, as now he is going mad and starts barking loudly. I had carried on walking so by this point he was a short way behind me, so I turn to the dog to try and calm him but he won’t stop, if anything he’s getting worse, Something has really spooked him so I turn to look up the track and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Standing there looking at us was this thing. A massive creature was stood there looking back in our direction, it must have walked between 8 to 9 foot steps out onto the field track before I had seen it, and now I can see it clearly and it can see us. At this point im in complete shock at what I was seeing, I kept thinking “it cant be real” I honestly dont think my brain couldn’t process what I was seeing, because standing there in the field track was a huge creature of some kind, it was massively built and was about 5 foot wide across the shoulders and about 8 ft tall. I couldn’t make out any facial features as the face was in shadow, but I could make out that it was covered in hair, it was standing about 30 meters from me
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