Thetford Forest a place of very strange experiences. Eye-shine and Stones Thrown
Thetford Forest a place of very strange experiences. Eye-shine and Stones Thrown
Now on Twitter – Daily Sighting Reports, articles, videos and podcasts on your fav subjects. Bigfoot/Dogman/UFO/Supernatural/Unexplained. #BBR Please help and support BBR- Hello Deborah Myself and my girlfriend have had some strange things happen to us whilst driving around Thetford forest between September and October 2018. I have written down the dates of each incident and what happened when we were out there. We had a series of strange events and things have happened that we have a hard time explaining. We have had stones that seem to be thrown at the car from the treeline, at one time hitting the roof and on another chipping the windscreen, we even had a metal bolt thrown at the car from the trees. we were hearing breaks in the forest, we saw eye shine on a number of visits at dusk. Some of this is confusing as to what is going on or who is doing it. As usual I asked the gentleman in question if he would write out his account in his own words so I did not influence him in any way. He is not making any claims here, merely asking for information on these events, from anyone in the area who has experienced something similar or any one out there who can identify this behaviour.
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#BBR is a non profit Organisation, run by volunteers. If you would like to join our community please leave a comment or contact us using
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