Tales Of Bigfoot In the UK-The Cannock Chase Bigfoot

UK Bigfoot Research Group
Cannock Chase is a twenty six square mile area of outstanding natural beauty situated between Cannock and Stafford. The Chase comprises an eclectic mix of coniferous woodland, deciduous forest, thick plantation and wild heathland, as well as remnants of coal mines and other the heavy industries that once defined the region. Cannock Chase supports an impressive array of conventional wildlife.
For the past few decades the Chase has boasted a significant cryptozoological folklore heritage, with high profile purported sightings of werewolves, mystery big cats and UFOs.
But none of these sightings is as strange as the notorious ‘Man-Monkey’ which is documented as having terrorised the Chase as far back as 1879. In recent years, with the rising population and spread of on-line media, reports have rocketed.
Most witnesses describe the creature as resembling a broad and stocky humanoid, standing some seven to eight feet tall with blazing red eyes. In 2008 a resident described being pursued by the monster as they drove across the Chase in the small hours.
Very early morning on the 18th February, 1995, one Jackie Haughton nearly hit a Man-Monkey when it stepped in front of her car on the Cannock-Rugeley road.
In September, 1998, further motorists spotted a huge man-like figure shambling across the Chase.
In April 2004, Alec Williams described hearing an owl-like cry before encountering a seven foot tall Bigfoot at Castle Ring – an
iron age hill fort.
In June 2006 the Highways Agency received several calls to report an unknown hairy biped dodging busy lanes of traffic on M6 near junction 10A.
Back on the Chase, and 2007 saw a spate of curious sightings around a German War Cemetery, just off Camp Road, between Stafford and Cannock. These creature were variously reported as being werewolves, or large dogs capable of rearing up onto their hind legs to run.
In February 2015, dog walker Dave Youell spotted the ‘half man, half ape’ creature in the nearby Hopwas Woods in Tamworth. The creature, described as being big, with dark shaggy hair, was said to walk upright, but with something of a stoop.
Sceptics point out that given the heavy recreational use of the Chase, it would be unlikely that a group of large creatures could remain at large and undetected. But consider this – the Chase boats nearly a thousand strong head of fallow deer: most visitors never see these deer, yet nobody claims they don’t exist.