The Grey Man Of Macadhui

Scotland is the least populated part of the Britain. It also has the largest and most remote tracts of wilderness, the highest mountains, the deepest lochs and some of the richest folklore and tradition. So it is, perhaps, inevitable, that Scotland can also lay claim to its own, well documented, Bigfoot.
The most famous McBigfoot is the beast known locally as Am Fear Liath Mor. Am Fear Liath Mor, or ‘The Big Grey Man’ is reputed to haunt the Scotland’s second highest peak, the 4296 foot Cairngorm Mountain Ben Macadhui.
The Big Grey Man of Macadhui has many similarities with the Brenin Llwyd of Snowdonia in Wales.
Sightings of an enormous humanoid figure, the sound of laughter and the eerie noise of footsteps following hikers. Has been seen or at least ‘experienced’ by many mountaineers, perhaps the most eminent of which was Professor John Norman Collie (widely regarded as an inspiration for Conan-Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes), who – following an encounter with the beast in around 1890, swore he’d never complete a solo assent of Ben Macdhui again.
The sightings go back to at least the 1700s, and describe a humanoid figure in excess of ten foot tall, covered in short grey hair. It’s presence is said to generate feelings of extreme fear, despair and and negativity. Many believe it to be a Brocken Spectre (or Mountain Spectre).

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